
Xahau Import

Import your XRP Ledger Mainnet account into the Xahau Network

Buy/Sell XRP

Launchpad for Onramp / Offramp in Xaman.

CasinoCoin Lobby

CasinoCoin Lobby

Account Worth

Check the total worth of your XRPL account using DEX rates for all owned tokens & NFT's

Token creator

Easy to use xApp to create a Token on the XRP Ledger

Transaction Exporter

Transaction exporting tool

Path Finding

Swap or send any (liquid) token owned on the XRPL to any other token


Realtime XRP trades and inter exchange XRP payments, rendered in a 3D model of the world.

Account Settings

Manage your basic account settings.

Tangem Backup

Configure a Tangem card as a backup card for your primary Tangem account. Card lost? Funds safe!

App finder

All apps

Account merge
Account merge
Delete an on ledger XRPL account, sending all funds minus the XRPL fee (5XRP) to one of your other accounts.
Account Settings
Account Settings
Manage your basic account settings.
Account Worth
Account Worth
Check the total worth of your XRPL account using DEX rates for all owned tokens & NFT's
Buy/Sell XRP
Buy/Sell XRP
Launchpad for Onramp / Offramp in Xaman.
CasinoCoin Lobby
CasinoCoin Lobby
CasinoCoin Lobby
DeXfi LiquiTrade
DeXfi LiquiTrade
My place to trade, swap and provide liquidity.
DEX Trade
DEX Trade
Create offers & trade on the XRP Ledger decentralized exchange (DEX)
Escrow creator
Escrow creator
Creating Escrows made easy!
GateHub Trade
GateHub Trade
GateHub Trade xApp
Manage SignerLists, RegularKeys and Masterkey on a wallet.
Multi sign
Multi sign
Easily create, distribute & collect multi sign signatures on the XRP Ledger Protocol.
NFT Burn
NFT Burn
Burn an NFT token.
Non Fungible
Non Fungible
Non Fungible NFT Viewer
Path Finding
Path Finding
Swap or send any (liquid) token owned on the XRPL to any other token
Tangem Backup
Tangem Backup
Configure a Tangem card as a backup card for your primary Tangem account. Card lost? Funds safe!
Realtime XRP trades and inter exchange XRP payments, rendered in a 3D model of the world.
Token creator
Token creator
Easy to use xApp to create a Token on the XRP Ledger
Token Trasher
Token Trasher
This xApp helps you get rid of Tokens so you can remove the Trustline
Transaction Exporter
Transaction Exporter
Transaction exporting tool
Shop over 130 million products, buy Gift Cards, pay bills, and send remittances globally. Pay with XRP or issued currencies without leaving Xaman
Vanity Address
Vanity Address
An xApp which lets you choose a vanity address
Xahau Import
Xahau Import
Import your XRP Ledger Mainnet account into the Xahau Network
XAH Teleport
XAH Teleport
Converts XAH (GateHub's IOU on the XRP Ledger) to XAH on the Xahau network (the native asset) and vice versa.
XRP Ledger TipBot
XRP Ledger TipBot
Send and receive tips & gift payments using Twitter