About NFT Burn xApp
This xApp (dApp) is simple, it lets you to pick NFT you own and allows you to burn it nothing more nothing less.
How it works?
NFT Selection
When you first open xApp an lookup query goes to fetch list of your NFTs on XRPL. List then renders on your screen.
Additional metadata from CDN servers are then overlay-ed over pulled NFTs including NFT image and title. List is fully searchable by metadata title.
Press on NFT you wish to burn to select it, then details will be displayed on screen: Meta image, Meta title, NFTokenID, Issuer, Collection and Serial number.
Burning NFT
Next step in burn process is last step, selected NFT with Image and Title is once again displayed. You need to press "I understand this cannot be undone" if you wish to continue. "Burn" button will unlock.
Always double check NFT ID before burning!
Press "Burn" button to compose NFTokenBurn Transaction and review it in Xaman before signing, after you sign this there is no going back.
After you sign Burn transaction, xApp will start verifying Transaction ID on XRPL to check if its actually executed with Success code. If yes "Success!" page will be shown.
You can now burn another token or quit xApp to check burn transaction in transaction list.
Detailed documentation:
https://xrplwin.com/contactTerms of Service
Enabled networks
NFTsWe are providing tool to check Xaman Wallet usage status - find link under your account.